Miss Darcy Falls in Love (The Darcy Saga #6) (2024)

Sandy M

669 reviews34 followers

November 22, 2011

With this sixth book in Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga series, she takes a turn from the loving couple who started her writing career for her and gives us a look at Fitzwilliam’s sister, Georgiana. We’ve watched her grow from a quiet and shy girl into a confident and intelligent young lady, as well as a brilliant musician. It’s a nice change of pace, and Ms. Lathan does Georgiana proud.

On the trip of a lifetime meeting new friends, seeing exciting places, and gaining more experience and knowledge in her music, Georgiana’s whirlwind journey gets another jolt when she comes face to face again with Sebastian, an interested beau we met in the last book. They share a love of everything music and immediately begin to meet to discuss that passion, play each other’s compositions, and leisurely explore museums and conservatories to their hearts’ content. For Georgiana it is a blessing to have someone who understands her desire to immerse herself in nothing else but melodies and lyrics. She does, however, become a bit homesick now and again in the midst of these very exciting times. Knowing she will eventually return home to marry and start a family as all young women her age do keeps her will strong to continue her journey.

Sebastian has had a more difficult time of it, having to deflect his father’s attempts to bring him home to be further groomed to take over the family estates when the time comes - and to start his own family as soon as possible. A prospective bride has already been chosen, though Sebastian wants nothing to do with the woman. Coming to an agreement with his father gives Sebastian three years to gain what he can at the Conservatoire de Musique in Paris, a dream he thought never to live. And the time he’s spending with Miss Darcy beforehand has also been a dream, one unexpected and enlightening. The woman is beyond ingenious.

Both Georgiana and Sebastian view their relationship as friends. It definitely starts out that way, but slowly, without them realizing it, their feelings become deeper and more meaningful. However, they each keep silent, not wanting to interrupt the other’s life path. Georgiana knows Sebastian’s heart is set on attending the conservatory and he knows her desire to return to England is growing with each passing day. Should they go their own way and leave behind a love that may last a lifetime or should one of them sacrifice their wants for the sake of the other? Neither is willing to test their options for fear of the hurt and heartache that may result.

But when Georgiana meets Baron Caxton, she’s taken by his masculinity and charm. She’s also torn now between two men who she’s grown to care for. While she paints the town with the baron, it’s Sebastian who seemingly bows out of her life, which causes both of them to reflect much deeper into their feelings and to make decisions that may come too late to halt lives changing directions they might never recover from.

There are a variety of secondary characters who throw fun and laughter into the story, most notably the de Valday twins, Yvette and Zoe, along with their brother, Frederic. All three are the typical flamboyant French and always out for a raucous good time. Sebastian’s grandmother, Lady Warrow, is also an interesting character. I love the scenes where she vexes her son over his continual fuss about Sebastian’s life choices and refusing to see the man he’s become. I have only one slight nitpick, which is near the end when Sebastian asks for Georgiana’s hand. I would rather have been shown that scene rather than being told about it. We’ve seen over the course of the series how protective Darcy has been of Georgiana all her life, so some emotions from him about this momentous life change for her would have added so much, especially since she’d been gone so long from home during her journey.

One scene I really enjoyed is when Georgiana is on her way to Sebastian and is constantly having her progress impeded. She finally takes matter into her own hands - time is of the essence! - and her flight toward him is well done, fraught with tension, longing, happiness, devastation and so much more, as is the immediate following scenes when life now looks bleak and without color for Georgiana. Also, the prologue brings surprises. I love the way Ms. Lathan gives this couple an afterlife, so to speak. Very inspired! And Dr. George Darcy gives those of us who follow this series a huge surprise. Is there more to come with him and his new-found happiness? Only time will tell…

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com


Laura Hartness

315 reviews15 followers

November 30, 2011

(Rating note: Wish I could give it 4 1/2 stars!)

Earlier this year I enjoyed Sharon Lathan’s The Trouble with Mr. Darcy, Book 5 in the Darcy Saga. Within that installment is a brief reference to Georgiana Darcy’s romantic escapades while away in Europe, setting up the premise for the next book in the series, Miss Darcy Falls in Love. I was excited about the concept and looked forward to the title’s fall 2011 release.

My expectations were more than realized in this delightful novel. For this Janeite and musician, there was much for me to admire and enjoy within the story and the structure itself. Georgiana has always been a favorite character, and I loved how Sharon handled her journey. She mingled Miss Darcy’s love of music, her character traits as a Darcy and her desire for matrimony perfectly.

The chemistry between Georgiana and her love interest, Sebastian Butler is just wonderful. I loved how they began their relationship as friends, sharing a common spiritual faith and passion for music as well. My husband and I began in a similar way, meeting in the Baptist Student Union in college, enjoying friendship and sharing music together, long before romantic notions were held. I’ve long held the belief that faith and friendship are essential foundations to any lasting marriage, and these elements are definitely a part of Georgiana and Sebastian’s budding relationship.

Of course, one of the main obstacles that the couple must face is that of a competing suitor, the charming Lord Caxton. While certainly not the best choice for Georgiana, I liked the fact that Caxton was not an out-and-out rogue or wicked individual. I suppose Georgiana learned her lesson with Wickham years before, although there is little to no mention of him at all here. She probably would not have entertained Caxton at all if he were such a man. However, his looks, charm, propriety and desirability made him an attractive prospect for a time, and provided interesting tension in the story line.

Miss Darcy Falls in Love fits into that delectable category of books that make me stay up late reading, wanting to take in “just one more” chapter before heading to bed much too late in the evening (or wee hours of the morning). If it were not for some family travel obligations in mid-November, I probably would have been reading it at all moments of the day as well. I truly enjoyed Sharon’s characters and their musical and romantic journey together.

I’ve mentioned in past reviews that author Sharon Lathan will sometimes put too many details of intimacy in her stories. While Miss Darcy Falls in Love does have a short dream sequence and a lengthy wedding night scene, the rest of the novel is relatively chaste in its details. And even with the steamy passages, they are within the confines of marriage, both dreamed and realized. Once again I appreciate Lathan’s portrait of marital intimacy, making the marriage bed as attractive as other authors have made the beds of unmarried lovers.

For whatever reason, Georgiana Darcy has always been a favorite character of mine. Sharon Lathan’s characterization of her is spot-on, and I love the infusing of music and faith within her story. I have not read all of Sharon’s work, but thus far Miss Darcy Falls in Love is my favorite of her titles. It’s incredibly romantic, enjoyable and a delightful addition to the Darcy Saga. While I’m sure that Lathan will return her gaze to Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy once again, I hope she also reserves another book or two for the delightful Georgiana.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    books-for-review home-library

Sheila Majczan

2,497 reviews178 followers

August 5, 2021

This is one of those stories I read before I retired and began reviewing every book I read. I do want to reread all those stories which I did not review but as time has slipped by and I haven't done so, I just want to mark all those stories as "read" so I have a record of the true number of books in the JAFF sub-genre I have read. I am using the average rating at this time as I do not remember how I rated this story back when I read it. If I ever get around to rereading it I will look at my rating to make sure it is true to my opinion. It was published in 2011 so that is most likely when I read it.

5,232 reviews162 followers

January 2, 2012

Originally posted at: http://longandshortreviews.blogspot.c...

Was Pride and Prejudice your favorite Jane Austin book? It was mine, and the story Miss Darcy Falls in Love brings readers back to that world; this time, focusing on Mr. Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. I admit, I was also drawn to this book because Georgiana is a musician, and so is the hero of the story, Sebastian, and music happens to be one of my things. It’s also set in Paris, another intriguing quality.

The writing is excellent. The author, Sharon Lathan has a gift for words. The style is clever, and musical symbolism is used at its finest. Musical motifs are blended into the brilliant threads of the story, enhancing the plot. A Regency world is well constructed.

The characters are three-dimensional and quite interesting. Georgiana and Sebastian are great, charming and all-too-human. Their relationship builds so naturally, and the chemistry between them comes alive. Readers can feel their passion. The secondary characters add dashes of wit and sparkle to the book and aid in bringing Georgiana and Sebastian closer.

Suspense is created effectively with the introduction of the impossibly seductive Baron who falls madly in love with Georgiana. He holds great appeal to her. He could very well draw her away from Sebastian. After all, he also shares a great thing in common with her: music, and he’s very attractive. She’s thunderstruck when she meets him.

Other aspects of the plot add interest. Sebastian’s father vehemently insists that Sebastian marries a woman with a title, which Georgiana does not have. Also, Sebastian is expected to come home to England and learn how to be a future earl. However, his heart dictates that he follow his passion for music. How can these things possibly be reconciled?

At any rate, Georgiana experiences a steamy, passionate night with the man who turns out to be her true love.

The love, passion, and excellence of style, as well as the writer’s superior talent with words is sure to win her new fans or satisfy old fans with this one.

    historical non-erotic


1,403 reviews20 followers

November 19, 2011

First thoughts after finishing this book: To quote Georgiana,-"I am wildly and wantonly satisfied."
(fromMiss Darcy Falls in Lovepage 254 in the ARC; finished version may be different)

I'm really glad that I took the chance to read a Lathan book again. Earlier this year I read one of her books and felt the sex was the story and there really wasn't a plot. Well, I'm glad to say that I think the author has listened to her readers and pulled back on the over-the-top sex. None of that really happens until the end of the book and it occurs exactly where and when it should. This time Sharon has taken the time to flesh out her characters and really bring them to life. I really enjoyed Georgiana's story and am thankful that Lathan decided to spend some time with this intriguing person. One of the most unique features in this story is the how music is used. I loved how passionate Georgiana was about writing and playing her own original music. I also enjoyed experiencing France through the eyes of a young lady who is touring Europe during the Regency time period. The beginning did start out a bit slow for me but after about 30 pages the story really took off and came to a very satisfying conclusion.

Recommend? For my fellow P&P variation readers, this is one that you MUST add to your reading list and/or stacks of books. You won't be disappointed and may end up with the same opinion as me- I want more books that feature the minor characters from Pride and Prejudice.



163 reviews14 followers

January 9, 2021

I truly enjoyed this book. It was romantic, lovely and sweet with just enough spice in the end. I love P&P AU/continuation/prequels, usually the ones focussed on Lizzy and Darcy. This book hardly has one of my favorite couples in it however and focusses completely on Georgiana Darcy.

Music is at the core of her characte and truly the core of the romance that blossomed between Miss Darcy and Mr Butler. I loved seeing their friendship grow into something deeper. Of course this wouldn't be an Austen inspired novel if there was no conflict or dilemma. The introduction of the second suitor, the whirwind Baron as I called him in my mind, almost broke apart the so obviously perfect for one another couple. I loved the drama of it.

The author definitely knows how to write about the Regency era. Not only that but she also knows how to make the story flow in a steady pace. I didn't even mind the timeskips which can be a pet peeve of mine especially when authors use them as ways to skip over plotholes.

All in all, a great way to spend a saturdaymorning.



2,073 reviews64 followers

November 2, 2011

In Sharon Lathan’s newest venture into the world of Pride and Prejudice, readers are given a chance to fall in love with one of Austen’s minor characters, Georgiana Darcy. For those that have been following Lathan’s Darcy Saga, you’ll know that Georgiana falls in love at the end of The Trouble with Mr. Darcy. Readers who are not familiar with the previous storyline, will be able to retrace her courtship in Miss Darcy Falls in Love, and experience the entire thing from the beginning.

Georgiana Darcy, now coming of age, embarks upon a tour of Europe without her brother Fitzwilliam and sister-in-law Elizabeth. During her time in Europe, she meets many new acquaintances, most significantly Sebastian Butler, a fellow music lover, and Lord Caxton, a teacher at The Conservatoire, a renowned musical school in Paris. Both pay her a great amount of attention, albeit in different ways. Sebastian becomes her musical collaborator, both playing and writing original compositions with her, while Lord Caxton seems to be intent on escorting her to balls, parties, and operas, taking her away from the musical world. Both men engage in a bidding war over her heart, yet only one will win. Who will Georgiana give her heart to? How will she choose amongst these two charming yet exceedingly different men?

Having followed all of Lathan’s previous works I will say I was slightly confused when I started reading Miss Darcy Falls in Love. Knowing the end of her last work I immediately went to check online to see if I missed a book in the series. Just to save you the confusion, this book takes place prior to the ending of The Trouble with Mr. Darcy, and ends after its conclusion. I’m actually really glad that Lathan decided to go back and tell Georgiana’s story. She was one of my favorite minor characters from the original, and I was always left wanting with her story. After everything that happened between her and Mr. Wickham in Austen’s original novel, she certainly deserves someone writing her a happy ending!

One of the most amazing things about this book is how it’s infused with “music.” What I mean by this is Lathan takes musical terminology and intertwines the story with it. The story itself is also written in a lyrical manner, flowing like a beautifully tuned instrument. Georgiana’s rapidly changing feelings are similar to arpeggios, fast-paced in their movement, yet rising and falling in a steadfast manner. She is conflicted in her feelings towards these two new male characters in her life, and is constantly questioning these new feelings.

Lathan does a fabulous job at expanding the framework that Austen laid out of Georgiana’s characteristics. She is still a doting sister, constantly wondering how her brother and family are at home, as well as phenomenal musician. It’s wonderful to see her grow in confidence under the tutelage of her companion and Sebastian Butler. Their confidence in her and her talents lets the accomplished Georgiana within shine through.

Lathan has another home run hit on her hands here. Her name is certainly solidified with what good Jane Austen fan fiction should be. If you haven’t given her novels a try, I suggest you do. Fast-paced and always full of the romance we all dream about, Miss Darcy Falls in Love is not one you’ll want to miss.

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)

    austen-influenced for-review historical-fiction

Becky R.

463 reviews85 followers

November 29, 2011

In the characteristically romantic style of author Sharon Lathan, Georgiana Darcy's story feels nothing like a departure from our most famous Darcy couple, but feels more like a beautiful continuation within the family. For fans of Pride and Prejudice, I think that most readers will agree that we want to see Georgiana happy in love someday, especially after all that she endured with George Wickham. Now as an adult, and seeing the wonderful relationship of her older brother with Elizabeth Bennet, nothing could be better than to see Georgiana equally as happy in love.

Picking up where The Trouble With Mr. Darcy left off, we follow Georgiana home through Europe. Focusing less on the travel aspect, and more on character development, we meet friends of the Darcys such as with Sebastian Butler. Sebastian is not an ordinary character for his time, in that he is not necessarily aloof or terribly complicated. That does not mean that he was not interesting. His sweet character was kind and generous around others, but it was his passion for music that lent him that certain cluelessness that we love in Austen's men. Sebastian, in all his gentleness, has made fast friends with Georgiana and shared a real passion for music that bonds the two. Their friendship was sweet and delectable. As for Lord Caxton, who comes along to complicate it all, he seemed more like the villain than the possible love interest, which made it all the easier to love Sebastian and root for his awakening to what he had with Georgiana.

Sharon's novels do contain sensual scenes, that are grippingly romantic. If that is not your scene, let me warn you now. I wouldn't say that this novel is nearly as sensual as previous books though. I get that some people do not enjoy having a romantic interlude spelled out for them, but I can't say that is a reason to completely denigrate an author's story. Sharon's writing has never felt overplayed, in my opinion, and her writing style has this period feel to it that is stunning. As readers, we not only get swept away in the beauty of her writing, but we also develop a greater interest in her characters. In every way, these characters feel real and applicable to us, with their dreams and emotions spelled out on the page. Mixing the period with the timelessness and complications of romantic love, I simply can't get enough of the romance Sharon writes. Beyond being a fan of all things Austen and loving this period to begin with, Miss Darcy Falls in Love is a delectable and delightful romantic romp back to a time when men and women held back on saying what they felt, yet showed it in a number of reserved, romantic ways. Although the sixth in the Darcy saga, Miss Darcy Falls in Love can be read as a stand alone. And for cynics of romance, which I would usually count myself a part, these books make me want to believe!

Blodeuedd Finland

3,517 reviews305 followers

November 16, 2011

This book is part of a series, but it works wonderfully as a stand alone novel, as the other books have been mostly about Lizzy and Darcy, and in this one it is Georgiana who takes the stage. So this is fully her book as we do not even get to meet Lizzy and Darcy. Sure you can read all the ones before, but you can also enjoy it as it is.

I do love my PP stories, but I love the side characters just as much, and it was wonderful to see Georgiana fall in love, and with a man who fits her so well. She needs someone like her in certain aspects and I did like the man who at last wins her heart.

And that ism truly what this book is about, Georgiana is in Europe, meeting new friends, longing for home, and then meeting someone new, and not just one man. No, there is a choice to be made. But we all know which man she will pick. Or hope she will pick. They are both good in their own ways, but I do think Gerorgiana played a bit with the one man's feeling (not knowingly), but afterwards I felt really sorry for him and hoped he would find love again.

Lathan is known for her sensual books, but this one is again different since it deals with Georgiana, and her being unwed, well we can't have anything like that going on. There the book differs from the other books in this series. It is more romantic and longing.

It was a wonderfully sweet book and as always it was fun to meet everyone again, or at least hear about them since Lathan truly has worked on this series, and wanting to give everyone happy endings. And I do like hearing about them all.

A good book in this series, and an equally good book that can stand on its one. Lathan is a true romantic.


Romancing the Book

4,420 reviews222 followers

November 1, 2011

Review by Molly: I love Ms. Lathan's work! She really made a story pop and come to live with this unique twist on Jane Austen's work. For some reason, I never really like Miss Darcy's character in other works. She just seemed a bit off and too quiet for my likings. But, Sharon Lathan really created a story for Miss Darcy that really caught my heart.

I loved how Ms. Lathan took a time in history and brought it to life with her characters and plot line. Miss Darcy's story is uniquely written. Watching Miss Darcy and her love of music was amazing. I felt myself instantly transported and walking along side of Miss Darcy.

Seeing Miss Darcy realize that it doesn't matter what others think, or what they might expect of you, that it's okay to follow YOUR heart, and to fall in love with whom your heart calls you to love. It was a fun loving journey!

If you are a Jane Austen fan, if you love historical novels, then Ms. Lathan's wonderfully written,vividly detailed, and sweet romance novel will be one that you don't want to miss out on! I'm looking forward to another sweet novel from Ms. Lathan!


Carolyn Borgen

139 reviews1 follower

April 22, 2014

Full review can be viewed at http://www.volpinareads.blogspot.com

In this book Miss Darcy is very much in love with music and active in her playing. You could feel her struggle throughout the story between her love of music and what was expected of her...marriage, babies, and helping with the house. How could one be a mother and continue to write music? This is a minor theme but really hit home for me.

There is a constast between two of her suitors on this point. One is pushing her to become more and study at the famed school. The other thinks women don't have time beyond being able to entertain. From there she has to decide about her feelings. Friendship, lover, just a strike of lightning?

The story comes together and also gives us a after they agree to marriage look. We get to see snippets of the wedding and a peek into life a few years out. I really liked this part of the book. Most times we get the falls in love, marriage and that's it. I liked seeing what happened after the marriage. Umm, which I should admit, was a little steamy. Nothing graphic but Lathan does get much more descriptive than the original!


471 reviews

November 30, 2011

This is definitely my favorite book by Sharon Lathan!! The story starts out while Georgiana is in Europe. She meets up again with a Mr Butler who she previously met in London during her coming out. Mr Butler shares a love of music with Georgiana and the become fast friends. Georgiana is thrown into the social culture in France and is having a great time. Meeting new friends and posible suitors. This is where the story gets intriguing and has lots of angst. Georgina does not know her own heart yet. Who should she choose? There's a tall dark and handsome Baron who would be perfect. All the other ladies swoon for his attentions. The story is wonderfully written and I felt like I was immersed in France listening to wonderful music. Definitely worth reading!!!

1,747 reviews38 followers

March 10, 2014

This book got high marks from me because I have seen such growth in this author, and her writing style. I really enjoyed this book. The story moved along, and told a very entertaining story. This is a romance novel, about Georgianna Darcy. I was always interested in her as a character, and I feel that the author gave her a great story.



866 reviews17 followers

March 14, 2017

Wow what a piece of trash! The unreadable kind. I'm going to say Sharon Lathan probably had a big enough following for a P&P based 37/?? part story on fanfiction.net to make some agent think it would be worthwhile to publish her. Apparently some people are reading her because this is like her fifth book or something but yikes. So dumb. 40 pages in GOODBYE


Christine Seybolt

108 reviews33 followers

November 16, 2011

Review is in the works. Will be posted shortly.

Kimmi Boyce

10 reviews5 followers

January 27, 2021

Pride and Prejudice continuations are difficult for me to love. How can one compare to Austen? (But I keep trying different authors because I love the era and original characters so much!)

At first I thought I was really going to enjoy this one, but I’m a bit of a character snob, and I didn’t feel that Georgiana, Sebastian, or Lord Caxton were very well developed. Additionally, I found much of the dialogue throughout either tedious or just plain unbelievable (that anyone would say the things they do to each other...), and the overall effect just felt lame.

All in all I was moderately satisfied with the story until I realize Lord Caxton and Lord Essenton would not really be dealt with at the close of the book (loss of some drama there), and I found the marriage bed scene to be a bit much. I like regency era for the propriety and the hints at what one can infer goes on behind closed doors. The scene seemed absolutely unrealistic to me, and I thought we could have just skipped from them arriving in the room with the piano to the “Coda.”
Sorry for rambling on. This review is mostly for myself so I can go back and understand why I won’t be recommending this novel.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Eileen Dandashi

542 reviews17 followers

February 12, 2014

Calling All JAFF Followers. Have you read MISS DARCY FALLS IN LOVE By Sharon Lathan?

"Lathan has another home run hit on her hands here. Her name is certainly solidified with what good Jane Austen fan fiction should be. If you haven't given her novels a try, I suggest you do. Fast-paced and always full of the romance we all dream about, Miss Darcy Falls in Love is not one you'll want to miss. 4.5 out of 5 Regency Stars" - Austenprose

"I would recommend Miss Darcy Falls in Love to all those who love Austen sequels and if you're a reader that hasn't tried one you should. Miss Darcy Falls in Love would be a great choice as it really stands on its own." - Peeking Between the Pages

"Mixing the period with the timelessness and complications of romantic love, I simply can't get enough of the romance Sharon writes. Beyond being a fan of all things Austen and loving this period to begin with, Miss Darcy Falls in Love is a delectable and delightful romantic romp back to a time when men and women held back on saying what they felt, yet showed it in a number of reserved, romantic ways." - One Literature Nut

Title: Miss Darcy Falls in Love [An Intimate Journey of Love, Life, and The Passionate Pursuit of Happiness] (The Darcy Saga Series)
Author: Sharon Lathan
Genre: Regency Historical Romance
Story Setting: Paris, 1820
Published By: Sourcebooks Landmark (November 1, 2011)
Pages: 286

About the Author: Sharon Lathan is a native Californian living in The San Joaquin Valley. She’s married with two children and is also a registered nurse in a neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Her writing is inspired by Jane Austen and the many books written, aptly named Jane Austen Fan Fiction (JAFF). Her successful series continues. Her newest book releases March, 2014 titled Darcy and Elizabeth, A Season of Courtship.

These are links to Ms. Lathan’s blog and links to popular sites about Jane Austen. http://sharonlathanauthor.com/blog http://sharonlathanauthor.com/links

Sharon Lathan interviews on BOOKTALK WITH EILEEN February 13, 2014. She’s giving away a copy of Miss Darcy Falls in Love and 2 e-books of her soon-to-be-released book Darcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship. Make sure to stop by. Here is a question and answer from the interview.

What do you enjoy most about writing love stories?

Love stories are empowering. No matter the era or genre, all love stories have the common thread of a woman finding her place in the world, learning her mind and heart, and discovering the best means to secure her happiness. She may be battling aliens or paranormal creatures, fighting bad guys or career decisions as a modern-day “tough chick,” or cleverly navigating the social nuances in a ballroom or country manor parlor. Wherever the heroine and hero are, whatever they are doing, in the end it is the mutual realization that they are stronger, better, more complete people if together. This is what I love.

Secondly, love stories give us hope and brighten our hearts. The reader knows that everything will work out and the ending will be satisfying. We need happiness in our world. We are constantly being told how bad life is. Reading a romance novel isn’t fantasy, as some say. No, these are real people readers can relate to, no matter the setting, who find a way through their troubles and triumph in the end. That is a message people need to hear!

About the Story: Miss Georgiana Darcy is touring Europe with family and is growing weary of being away from England until she meets a certain Sebastian Butler and a quick friendship ensues.

Both are talented musicians and never grow tired of each other’s company. Mr. Butler shares his compositions with her and together they modify them to be exquisite pieces of music. Sebastian plans on joining the music conservatory, contrary to his father’s wishes, in the fall. He shows a music composition to one of the professors he and Miss Darcy composed. The professor said the music was brilliant and amazed with its quality and requests Miss Darcy to follow instruction at the Conservatoire. Miss Darcy knows she must return home. What can women do in a career?

Lord Caxton, an older and extremely handsome man, couldn’t take is eyes off of Miss Darcy. To him, she is exquisite and as he sets out to dazzle Miss Darcy he means to have her as his baroness.

Mr. Butler realizes that he loves Miss Darcy, but he fears it is too late. Lord Caxton tells Mr. Butler there is an understanding between him and Miss Darcy. Mr. Butler bows out, being the honorable thing to do. He only wants Miss Darcy happy. He is only more miserable and regrets his actions. Miss Darcy is hurt because he avoids her.

My Thoughts: I haven’t read Jane Austen Fan Fiction for years. I enjoyed it and was amused at how many words they used to actually say something. I feel the people in that time skirted around an issue. I told Ms. Lathan that they were so wordy. This is part of her reply. “I try to capture the essence of Austen's style, not going too modern nor too far into the past. Some say I capture Austen style right on - which always makes me laugh because I don't think anyone can do that, nor would I want to since it is too much. But I do go for a higher style, if you will. People did indeed talk in a much grander way with bigger words, a greater command of language and vocabulary, purple prose, minimal slang, etc. All part of that world we admire…. They had to be very clever with their phrasing, in large part to avoid overt flirting or impropriety.”

The story develops a beautiful friendship and an ever-deepening love. It was a sweet journey. If you are a JAFF reader and haven’t read Sharon Lathan you most certainly should. All her books are happily ever after endings and entertaining with their language giving us a peek at Europe in the early 1800’s.

Lynn Wallace

Author3 books27 followers

May 26, 2022

Miss Darcy Falls in Love (The Darcy Saga #6) (19)

Perhaps the biggest disappointment of Jane Austen’s "Pride & Prejudice" was that it took us through all the twists and turns of Elizabeth and Darcy’s blossoming romance, only to stop short immediately after they became engaged and got married. Enter Sharon Lathan, author of the Darcy Saga, a series of books written to follow the Darcy newlyweds into their first few years of marriage.

Georgianna's story might be my favorite of all the Darcy Saga novels - I absolutely loved watching her fall in love and find the right man for her, with all the young adult drama intertwined with her love of music. Such an adorable read :-D. (And none of the ridiculous lovemaking scenes like the other Darcy Saga books!)

I have more to say on these books (and others!) in my blog! Check it out here:


403 reviews6 followers

January 2, 2019

Miss Georgiana Darcy goes to France with her aunt and uncle. She meets many new friends, chief among them is a Mr. Sebastian Butler. Mr. Butler shares Miss Darcy's passion for music, and are often seen playing together; they even start creating compositions. Anyone can see that there is an attachment forming, but they both keep insisting that they are just good friends.

It was okay, it just moved really slow. To be honest I skimmed through the last 100 pages or so. The author is extremely wordy, and can take 3 pages to say something that can be said in a couple paragraphs.


Gill Schell

636 reviews2 followers

January 11, 2021

3.5 * : I love Jane Austen's novels so have always veered away from any sequels by authors I've never heard of. Saw this one at a reduced price and curiosity got the better of me. It was a quick, sweet and enjoyable read, with the focus on Darcy's sister Georgiana. It's basically a romance (triangle) with an intimate scene at the end. It's not nearly as deep, interesting or as informative as an Austen novel, and the writing is just about ok. It didn't pull me in enough to want to read another in the series.

    18th romance series

Revelle Hami

40 reviews1 follower

June 8, 2021

I have not read the series but found this book online and bought it. It was sooooo cute, I love the character development of Georgina (darcy's sister) and the way the book ended. It was easier to read/understand than pride and prejudice because this book was not written at the same time as Jane. 11/10 I loved it. I love how it was just about Geoegina. Lizzy and Mr.Darcy were barely mentioned. Great spin-off.


Wendy DeWachter

206 reviews1 follower

February 4, 2021

I have read and re-read this whole series more times than I can count, sometimes starting at the beginning again when I reach the end, however not this particular book. I think because it is Georgiana that makes it feel like an intrusion. You may not feel the same though. I have read it twice to make sure but I felt the same both times.

Koren | the_blue_eyed_bluestocking

224 reviews3 followers

July 7, 2018

It was neat to have a book that focused on Georgiana. We know so little of her from Pride and Prejudice, but I really appreciate Lathan's character development of her throughout this book, as well as The Darcy Saga.


86 reviews

March 25, 2018

anything to extend my love of pride and prejudice. I enjoyed the book. not as much as a Jane Austen of course

Michelle David

2,267 reviews11 followers

May 31, 2019


Thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful variation inspired by author Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice by Sharon Lathan. We need more

Megan Calloni

79 reviews1 follower

November 12, 2021

Georgiana meets Sebastian Butler in France. He is going to be studying at the Conservaitorie. They bond over music but then she meets Baron Caxton and his magnetic personality.


janine ♥

38 reviews

March 19, 2023

As a sucker of cliche love stories!!!, I am still in love with this book. I still believe I am born in the wrong generation.


380 reviews

February 29, 2024

Slow start, but the perfect book for a wintery 24 hours. The verbosity of the Regency period books during love scenes does crack me up.

    historical-fiction romance


177 reviews

June 3, 2020

Eh....liked the continuation of the Pride and Prejudice story but.....

Miss Darcy Falls in Love (The Darcy Saga #6) (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.