1. [PDF] Drop variables or observations - Title Description Quick start Menu
Dec 2, 2022 · drop eliminates variables or observations from the data in memory. keep works the same way as drop, except that you specify the variables or ...
2. Remove cases or variables from datasets in Stata - Stata Help
Note: This command is not reversible. One you have dropped a variable, or only kept a certain set of variables, it's gone. It is recommended that before you ...
Sometimes, especially in instances where you are acquiring the data set from a third party or doing new analyses on old data, extraneous cases or variables can cause unnecessary clutter. Stata makes it very easy to drop such clutter. This can also be useful if you accidentally make a variable you don't want to. In either case, the basic command is simply drop
3. Drop the values of a variable with if condition - Statalist
More results from www.statalist.org
Hello everyone, I have a variable named "diversity" (and a bunch of other variables) and I would like to drop the values of the variable
4. [PDF] vl drop - Stata
vl drop (varlist) removes variables from all variable lists. vl clear deletes all variable lists and removes all traces of the vl system. For an introduction to ...
5. FAQ: Dropping spells of missing values - Stata
How can I drop spells of missing values at the beginning and end of panel data? ·. drop if response >= . or ·. drop if missing(response) ·. by id (time), sort: ...
How can I drop spells of missing values at the beginning and end of panel data?
Do you need to delete a variable? This is how you do it: drop varname For example: drop var33 If you have a large number of variables that you want to ...
Do you need to delete a variable? This is how you do it: drop varname For example: drop var33 If you have a large number of variables that you want to delete, it might sometimes be easier to tell S…
7. Stata Class Notes: Managing Data - OARC Stats - UCLA
B) Use keep and drop with variable names to remove variables from the dataset. Suppose that our data file had many, many variables, say 2000 variables, ...
We begin with the dataset we created in the last section.
8. [PDF] st dropvar() — Drop variables or observations - Stata
Missing: delete | Show results with:delete
9. Stata Guide: Drop/Keep
Drop/Keep ... The same commands are used for dropping / keeping variables or cases. ... will delete the variables listed after "drop" from your data set. Using " ...
The same commands are used for dropping / keeping variables or cases.
10. [PDF] Drop variables or observations - Stata
Apr 6, 2013 · drop eliminates variables or observations from the data in memory. keep works the same way as drop, except that you specify the variables or ...
11. Remove blanks from string variables in Stata - StataTex Blog
Feb 9, 2021 · * Removes blanks at beginning and end replace state=trim(state) * Removes blanks at beginning only replace state=ltrim(state) * Removes blanks ...
Identify and remove blank space in Stata’s string variables
12. Cleaning data in STATA - Map and Data Library - University of Toronto
May 5, 2017 · Dropping variables is very straightforward; simply use the “drop” command. Looking at the data from CCHS, the variable SLP_01 (Number of hours ...
Table of Contents
13. Dropping Variables in Stata - BridgeText
Dropping unwanted variables can simplify data analysis. In this blog entry, we'll show you how to use Stata's drop command to eliminate unwanted variables from ...
Dropping unwanted variables can simplify data analysis. In this blog entry,we’ll show you how to use Stata’s drop command to eliminate unwanted variables from a given dataset.
14. Subsetting data | Stata Learning Modules - OARC Stats - UCLA
Sometimes you do not want all of the variables in a data file. You can use the keep and drop commands to subset variables. If we think of your data like a ...
This module shows how you can subset data in Stata. You can subset data by keeping or dropping variables, and you can subset data by keeping or dropping observations. You can also subset data as you use a data file if you are trying to read a file that is too big to fit into the memory on your computer.
15. [PDF] Getting Started with Stata - Session Two: Data Management - Yiming Cao
Sep 17, 2019 · Delete variables/observations. Advanced data ... keep tells Stata to drop all variables except those specified explicitly or through the.
16. [Stata] Data cleaning 1: Managing variables (rename, order, keep, and ...
[Stata] Data cleaning 1: Managing variables (rename, order, keep, and drop) ... First, you can see the list of variables in the data in the variable browser on ...
First, you can see the list of variables in the data in the variable browser on the upper right side of STATA screen. The command codebook, compact also return the list of variable, its # of observ…
17. Introduction to Stata: Creating and Changing Variables
May 27, 2020 · ... remove them first (like those dollar signs and commas) or if the variable isn't really just numbers after all. This data set doesn't have ...
This is part six of Introduction to Stata. If you're new to Stata we highly recommend starting from the beginning.